Commonhold units in Havrepiren

With a commonhold unit, you enjoy the same freedom as if you owned a small house. You can decide for yourself how you want to manage your residence and you can rent it out or sell it as you wish.

How do commonhold units work?
When you buy a commonhold unit, you become the owner of your part of the property and the registered owner of your home. In other words, you have full ownership, which means you can mortgage, borrow against, sell or rent out your home as you wish.
At the time of purchase, you pay 100% of the property value, just like when you buy a house. Unlike a housing cooperative that can have shared loans that impact the monthly fee, as the owner of a commonhold unit , you only pay for your own loan costs and a small monthly fee.
In other words, purchasing a commonhold unit is a larger direct investment for you as a buyer, but you enjoy greater freedom (in your ownership).

Fördelar med en ägarlägenhet
Låga fasta kostnader
Eftersom det inte finns en bostadrättsförening med gemensamma lån kan du räkna med en lägre månadskostnad.Full äganderätt
Du kan hyra ut eller sälja till vem du vill utan medgivande från en bostadrättsförening.

Ändra och bygga om
Så länge du tar hänsyn till sådant som påverkar hela fastigheten – till exempel bärande väggar eller gemensamma rördragningar – bestämmer du själv om du vill ändra något i din bostad.
Juridisk person kan äga
Inga godkännanden behövs för köp av juridiska personer.

Advantages of a commonhold unit
Full ownership
You can rent out or sell your residence to whomever you wish. You can also choose to invest in a commonhold unit to rent out permanently for just part of the year if you plan to only use the property periodically.
Low fixed costs
The owners of the commonhold units form a commonhold association that manages and maintains the common areas, like in a housing cooperative. Since the commonhold association has no shared loans, the monthly fee is lower than when you buy an apartment in a housing cooperative.

Renovations & modifications
As long as you consider things that affect the entire building, such as load-bearing walls and shared plumbing, you can decide for yourself if you want to make changes within your unit.
Legal entities can own commonhold units
A legal entity does not need to be approved by the association’s board when purchasing a commonhold unit.
Who takes care of the property?
Everyone who owns a commonhold unit in a building also owns shares in the commonhold association. The association manages and makes decisions regarding the maintenance of the property’s shared spaces, for which a fee is paid. Examples of shared spaces include elevators, stairwells, roofs, facades, pipes and sewage systems.

Detail image from a previous project
A solid investment all the way
Even though ownership via commonhold units is relatively new in Sweden, commonhold units are not new to us at Besqab. We have a well-established buying process that ensures your investment is as secure as possible.
We assist with forming the commonhold association (to manage spaces that are not part of your residence), and when we build our units, we choose materials and solutions that minimize shared maintenance costs, for example, low-maintenance roofs and facades.
We have also chosen the location of the commonhold units at Skeppskajen carefully, as it is an area that will remain attractive for people who wish to live there or rent out their homes.

What is a commonhold unit?
A commonhold unit is a type of housing where you own your apartment as an individual property, just like a house or townhouse. Unlike a cooperative apartment, there is no cooperative association to consider, and you enjoy full ownership of the property.
Commonhold units vs. cooperative apartments?
In a cooperative apartment, you own the right to live in an apartment, but the property itself is owned by a housing cooperative. As the owner of a commonhold unit, you own the property yourself, giving you greater freedom and independence.
Another difference is that a cooperative apartment is considered personal property and regulated by the cooperative apartment act (Bostadsrättslagen) and the Sale of Goods Act (Köplagen), while a commonhold unit is considered real estate and regulated by the Swedish Land Code (Jordabalken), among other things.
In addition to the purchase price, there is a cost for applying to register ownership and for taking out a mortgage deed on the property, but these costs are tax deductible.
Do you pay a monthly fee?
Yes, you still need to pay a monthly fee to cover maintenance, upkeep and possibly shared procurement. But since the commonhold association does not have any common loans, the monthly fee is lower than the fee in a cooperative housing association.
How do you finance a commonhold unit?
Financing a commonhold unit purchase is like buying a house or cooperative apartment. You can apply for a mortgage to buy a commonhold unit, and the loan is based on the market value of the property. Upon taking possession of the unit, an application for registration of ownership is submitted to the land registration authority.
What is a commonhold association?
A commonhold association handles similar matters as a housing cooperative to some extent. Elevators, stairwells, roofs, facades, pipes and sewage systems are examples of shared resources that require joint decisions and maintenance. However, the commonhold association has no authority over matters regarding your own residence. The association does not need to approve, for example, rentals, transfers or renovations within your unit.
Am I free to renovate my commonhold unit?
Yes, you can renovate and make changes to your commonhold unit without needing to ask permission from the commonhold association. However, you must comply with building regulations and permits. As long as you consider aspects affecting the entire building, such as load-bearing walls and shared plumbing, you are free to make changes within your unit.
Can I rent out my commonhold unit?
Yes, you can rent out your commonhold unit without restrictions or permission from the commonhold association. You can choose to rent it out short-term or long-term. Rentals classified as hotel operations are not permitted.
FAQs - Havrepiren
How many commonhold units are there at Havrepiren?
There are 51 commonhold units and one commercial space with the same form of ownership.
Who pays the operating costs at Havrepiren?
Electricity and hot water consumption are measured individually and paid by each commonhold unit owner. The monthly fee includes the building’s operational costs (e.g. stairwell cleaning, snow removal, heating and waste management).
Do all the units have storage units?
Fördelar med en ägarlägenhet
Låga fasta kostnader
Eftersom det inte finns en bostadrättsförening med gemensamma lån kan du räkna med en lägre månadskostnad.
Låga fasta kostnader
Eftersom det inte finns en bostadrättsförening med gemensamma lån kan du räkna med en lägre månadskostnad.Full äganderätt
Du kan hyra ut eller sälja till vem du vill utan medgivande från en bostadrättsförening.
Ändra och bygga om
Så länge du tar hänsyn till sådant som påverkar hela fastigheten – till exempel bärande väggar eller gemensamma rördragningar – bestämmer du själv om du vill ändra något i din bostad.
Juridisk person kan äga
Inga godkännanden behövs för köp av juridiska personer.
Med en ägarlägenhet får du – som namnet antyder – samma frihet som om du skulle äga ett småhus. Du bestämmer själv om du vill bygga om eller hyra ut.
Priset är generellt något högre än för en bostadsrätt, men månadsavgiften är lägre då det inte finns några gemensamma lån. Delar av huset, till exempel tak och trapphus ägs av en samfällighetsförening som ansvarar för underhåll och skötsel.

En ägarlägenheter innebär att du köper din del av fastigheten och blir lagfaren ägare av bostaden. Du får med andra ord full äganderätt där du kan pantsätta, belåna, sälja och hyra ut bostaden precis som du vill.
När du köper en ägarlägenhet betalar du 100% av värdet på bostaden. På precis samma sätt som när du köper ett hus. Till skillnad mot en bostadsrättsförening där det kan finnas lån och därmed högre månadsavgifter, har du som ägare till en ägarlägenhet bara dina egna lånekostnader – plus en mindre samfällighetsavgift. En samfällighetsförening hanterar delade utrymmen som kräver gemensamma beslut, såsom hissar, trapphus, tak, fasader, ledningar och avlopp.
Ett köp av en ägarlägenhet innebär med andra ord en större direkt investering för dig som köpare, men också större friheter att göra vad du vill med ditt boende.